NO LAUGHING MATTER, articles, June 2023 Bump fanzine and Cold Type magazine
First array into ChatGPT, the AI powered language model for Lida Hujić (social observer using human words!), providing research and text behind Dougie Wallace’s social documentary photography. This turned out to be a collaborative project between two humans and AI. AI ChatGPT was asked to turn Lida’s text, which uses a business-cum-academic tone, into something more journalistic. It did a good job! The project is looking into the rise of the ‘laughing gas’ phenomenon. It highlights frictions between legislation/political agendas and role of said gas in socialising and the night life economy. Find a copy of the fanzine at www.bumpbooks.com while stock lasts. A version, adapted by another human, was also published by Cold Type magazine. It is, in fact, the cover story for Issues 246, June 2023 – copies available here: http://www.coldtype.net/Assets23/PDFs/ColdType246June2023.pdf. More about the magazine here: http://www.coldtype.net. Dougie Wallace is one of the world's leading social documentary street photographers.